DAN MILLS Download Resume

American, born 1956, Waterloo, New York
Lives in Lewiston, Maine


1981 MFA, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL
1978 BFA, Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY


2026 Osher Map Library Gallery, University of Southern Maine, Portland, ME (forthcoming)
Libby Bischof, Curator

2021 Mappings, Howard Yezerski Gallery, Boston, MA

2020 Human Topographies, Herron Galleries, Herron School of Art + Design, Indianapolis, IN
Joseph Mella, curator

2020 Human Topographies, Museum of Art, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH
Kristina Durocher, curator

2019 Human Topographies, Center for Maine Contemporary Art, Rockland, ME
Bethany Engstrom, Suzette McAvoy, curators

2015 Interferences, Montserrat College Art Galleries, Beverly, MA
Leonie Bradbury, curator

2014 George Billis Gallery, New York, NY

2012 The US Future States Atlas and related materials, Chicago Cultural Center, Chicago, IL
Lanny Silverman, curator

2012 Quest, Zolla/Lieberman Gallery, Chicago, IL

2010 US Future States Atlas: An Atlas of Global Imperialism, Williams Center Art Gallery, Lafayette 
College, Easton, PA. Michiko Okaya, curator

2010 Meditations on Empire, Mandeville Gallery, Union College, Schenectady, NY
Rachel Seligman, Curator 

2009 Meditations on Empire, Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts Museum, Tianjin, China

2009 US Future States: An Atlas of Global Imperialism, Sherry Frumkin Gallery, Santa Monica, CA

2008 Future States Atlas, UT Downtown Gallery, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN
Sam Yates, curator

2008 Empire, Daura Gallery, Lynchburg College, Lynchburg, VA
Barbara Rothermel, curator

2007 American Icons and Morphs, Zolla/Lieberman, Gallery, Chicago, IL

2002 Viewpoints: Selected Monoprints and Collages, Printworks Gallery, Chicago, IL

2002 Detector, Northern Illinois University Art Museum, Chicago Gallery, Chicago, IL.
Peggy Doherty, curator

2001 Embellishments & Subversions, Ben Shahn Galleries, William Paterson University, Wayne, NJ
Nancy Einreinhofer, curator

1998 Revisions, 76 Varick Gallery, New York, NY

1997 In form ation: Collages & Constructions, Ewing Gallery of Art + Architecture, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN
Sam Yates, curator

1994 Ephemera, Deson-Saunders Gallery, Chicago, IL

1991 Deson-Saunders Gallery, Chicago, IL


2023 Seeing Truth: Art, Science, Museums, and Making Knowledge, Humanities Institute, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT

2022 Parks & Recreation, Bennington Museum, Bennington, VT
Jamie Franklin, Curator

2022 North of Nowhere, West of the Moon: Myth, Fiction, and Fantasy in Maps, Osher Map Library Gallery, University of
Southern Maine, Portland, ME
Libby Bischof, curator

2021-22 Counter Cartographies: Living the Land, Anchorage Museum, Anchorage, AK
Julie Decker, lead curator

2020 Unsustainable: A Planet in Crisis, Ewing Gallery of Art + Architecture, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN
Sam Yates, curator

2020, 19 Members’ Juried, Provincetown Art Association and Museum, Provincetown, MA

2019 Messengers: Artists as Witnesses, Museum of Art, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH
Kristina Durocher, curator

2018 Elizabeth Lazeren and Dan Mills: New Paintings, Julie Heller East Gallery, Provincetown, MA

2017-18 Where the Map Takes You: The Intersection of Cartography and Creativity, Osher Map Library and Smith Center for
Cartographic Education, Portland, ME
Heather Magaw, curator

2017 Crooked Data: (Mis) Information in Contemporary Art, University of Richmond Museums, Richmond, VA
Elizabeth Schlatter, curator

2016 Dishing it Out 2016, Sahara West Gallery, Las Vegas, & Wonderland Gallery, Las Vegas, NV
Diane Bush, curator

2016 Ideologue, Utah Museum of Contemporary Art, Salt Lake City, UT
Becca Maksym, curator 

2014 Making a New Whole: The Art of the Collage, Art Gallery, University of New England, Portland, ME
Anne Zill, curator

2013-14 Dissident Futures, Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, San Francisco, CA
Betti-Sue Hertz, curator

2013 This Land, Salisbury University Art Galleries, Salisbury, MD
Elizabeth Kauffman, curator

2013 Remix: Selections from the International College Center, Katonah Museum of Art, Katonah, NY
Rachel Lawe and Pavel Zoubok, curators

2013 Objective/Subjective: Mapping as Visual Language, NIU Art Museum, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL
Heather Green and Peter Olson, curators

2011 The Aesthetics of War and Reconciliation, Moreau Art Galleries, Saint Mary's College, Notre Dame, IN
Bettina Spencer and Krista Hoefle, curators

2010 Pop Goes the World, Pavel Zoubok Gallery, New York, NY

2008 Party Headquarters: Voting is Just the Beginning, Pratt Manhattan Gallery, New York, NY
Eleanor Heartney and Larry Litt, curators

2008 Re: Vision, Zolla/Lieberman Gallery Though 32 Years, Zolla/Lieberman Gallery, Chicago, IL

2007 Lines in the Earth: Maps, Power and the Imagination, Sun Valley Center for the Arts, Ketchum, ID
Courtney Gilbert, curator

2007 Long March: Yan'an Project Retrospective, Long March Space, Factory 798, Beijing, China
Lu Jie and Qiu Zhijie, curators

2006 What War?, White Box, New York, NY. 
Eleanor Heartney, Larry Litt, and Juan Puntes, curators

2004-06 Misleading Trails, China Art Archives & Warehouse, Beijing.
Organized by the artists
Traveled to: Northern Illinois University Art Museum, DeKalb, IL; University Art Gallery of North Texas, Denton, TX;
Hanes Art Gallery, Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC; Vanderbilt University Fine Arts Gallery, Nashville, TN;
Boyden Gallery, St. Mary’s College of Maryland, St. Mary’s City, MD; Schick Art Gallery, Skidmore College, Saratoga
Springs, NY; Samek Art Gallery, Bucknell University, Lewisburg, PA

2002 Collage/Assemblage/Montage, Pennsylvania College of Art & Design, Lancaster, PA
Kristy Krivitsky, curator

2000 Superimpositions: Dan Mills, Gail Skudera, Randy Williams, Auburn University, AL

2000 20: Woodcuts by International Artists, Holland Tunnel, Paros, Greece

2000 Annual Faculty/Visiting Artist Exhibit, NYS Summer School of the Arts, State University of New York, Brockport, NY

2000 The Art is in The Mail(ing) (for Ray Johnson), Wexner Center For the Arts, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH

2000 Exquisite Corpse, Printworks Gallery, Chicago, IL

1999 Slight of Hand, Studio 38, Utrecht, the Netherlands

1998, 99 76 Varick Gallery, New York, NY
Larry Webb, curator

1998 30th Anniversary Alumni Invitational Exhibition, Bevier Gallery, Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY

1996 Utilitarianism, Albany Institute of History and Art, Albany, NY
Tammis K. Groft, curator

1996 NIU Collected, NIU Art Gallery, Northern Illinois University Art Museum, Chicago, IL

1996 The 1996 Everson Biennial, Everson Museum of Art, Syracuse, NY
Thomas Piché, Jr., curator

1994 Art on the Map, Chicago Cultural Center, Chicago, IL
Gregory Knight, curator

1993 Influx (part of Chicago Fluxus Festival 1993), Gallery 400, University of Illinois at Chicago, IL
Karen Indeck, curator

1990 Altered States, Hyde Park Art Center, Chicago, IL
Richard Dubeshter, curator

1987 The Object Transformed: David Kargl, Dan Mills, Elizabeth Newman, MCAD Gallery, Minneapolis College of Art
& Design, MN
Julie Yanson, curator

1987 Sculpture - Structures on the Wall, N.A.M.E. Gallery, Chicago, IL

1986-87 Extended Boundaries, Chicago Cultural Center, Chicago, IL
Deven Golden, curator

1986 Dan Mills, Gail Skudera, State University of New York, Brockport, NY
Anna Calluori Holcombe, curator

1986, 83 Randolph St. Gallery Outdoor Installations exhibition, Chicago, IL

1985 Unscene, ARC Gallery, Chicago, IL
Deven Golden and Sue Taylor, curators

1983 The Additive Process, Hyde Park Art Center, Chicago, IL
Robert Hutchison, curator

1982-84 Dan Mills and Gail Skudera: Barnstorming, ARC Gallery, Chicago, IL
Traveled to: Rockford Art Museum, Rockford, IL;  Michael C. Rockefeller Gallery, State University of New York, Fredonia, NY


2021 Levi, Corwin. “Dan Mills: What’s in a Name? (The Secret Lives of Maps).” Gwarlingo (New England), June 5.

2020 Grossman, Dan. “At Herron: Dan Mills, Donna Ferrato, and Jana Harper”. NUVO (Indianapolis), September 13.

2019 Levi, Corwin. “Profile: Dan Mills”. Art New England, September/October. 

2019 Large-scale exhibition of artist Dan Mills’ on view at the Center for Maine Contemporary ArtArtdaily.com, August 20.

2019 Little, Carl. “An Artist’s Maps of Imperialism and Greed”. Hyperallergic (New York), August 10.

2019 Kany, Daniel. “Art review: Mapping data makes for informative art at CMCA”. Maine Sunday Telegram, July 7. 

2019 Blair Best, Paul Koenig, and Emma Simard Photography by Christina Wnek. “50 Mainers, creating a brighter future
for the state”. Maine Magazine, July.

2018 Mills, Dan. “Donald Trump’s ABCs,” Drawing in a Time of Fear and Lies. Hyperallergic (New York), September 15.

2018 Mills, Dan. “Making Prison Great Again,” Drawing in a Time of Fear and Lies. Hyperallergic (New York), May 26. 

2017 Mills, Dan. “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Incarceration,” Drawing in a Time of Fear and Lies. Hyperallergic (New York), September 2. 

2017 Mills, Dan. “Visual Essay: Light in the Dark”. Maine Arts Journal: The UMVA Quarterly, Spring.

2017 Mills, Dan. “Current Wars and Conflicts,” Drawing in a Time of Fear and Lies. Hyperallergic (New York), March 11. 

2016 Ditch, Hannah, et al. “‘We get people to look’: The election year’s most provocative political artists”. Los Angeles Times, October 28.

2015 Mills, Dan. “Wars and Conflicts”, Working in SeriesMaine Arts Journal, UMVA Quarterly, Fall, 2015. 

2014 Kany, Daniel. “Art Review: Maine artists at the fore in NYC”. Maine Sunday Telegram (Portland), November 30.

2013 Nataraj, Nirmala. “‘Dissident Futures’: What might be ahead for us”. San Francisco Chronicle, October 30. 

2013 Frank, Priscilla. “Fall Art Exhibitions 2013: 25 Shows That Will Rock the Art World”. The Huffington Post.

2009 Marcus, Richard. "The Best Reads of 2009". www.Blogcritics.org, December 24

2009 Ollman, Leah. "Art review: Dan Mills at Sherry Frumkin". Los Angeles Times, Arts/Culture Monster, October 30.

2009 Marcus, Richard. "Book Review: US Future States Atlas by Dan Mills". www.Blogcritics.org, June 9.

2006 Chen Shaofeng. "Artworks for The Long March Yan’an Project", Yishu: Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art
(Vancouver), Fall.

2006 McGee, Carrie. "Misleading Trails". Number: An Independent Arts Journal (Memphis), Spring/Summer, pp. 20-21.

2005 Maddox, David. "Trans-Pacific Conversation: American and Chinese Artists Confront the Realities of Globalization
in Distinctly Different Ways". Nashville Scene, 24 November

2005 Patterson, Tom. "Some Rewarding Detours: Chinese and American artists in WFU show take “Misleading Trails”
to impart multilayered meaning”.  Winston-Salem Journal, 9 September.

2004 Wu, Fenhui. "Misleading Trails", Art World (Shanghai), September.

2000 Schleiffer, Kristen Brooke. “The Exquisite Corpse”. Art on Paper (New York), May–June.

1997 Joyner, Heather. "The Future of the Past, In Form Ation: Constructions and Collages by Dan Mills". Metro Pulse,
(Knoxville, TN), 23 October.

1995 Abell, Jeff. "The Image of the Artist". Chicago Artists' News, December.

1994 Krantz, Claire Wolf. "Art On the Map", New Art Examiner (Chicago), September.

1994 "Chicago: Cultural Center Puts Art on the Map". Flash Art Magazine, International edition, Summer.

1994 Artner, Alan G. "Art Notes: Dan Mills Stakes Out New Territory". Chicago Tribune, June 30.

1994 Artner, Alan G. "Mapping Things Out: Artists’ take on cartography isn’t about giving directions". Chicago Tribune, May 29.

1993 Artner, Alan G. "The Arts in '93--Best Exhibits". Chicago Tribune, December 26.

1989 Holg, Garrett. "Reviews: Dan Mills". New Art Examiner (Chicago), Summer.

1989 McCracken, David. "Art: Gallery Scene”. Chicago Tribune, May 26. Exhibition brochure.

1986 "Chicago 1986 - A Critic's Poll". New Art Examiner (Chicago), May.

1985 Yood, James. "An 'Emerging' Phenomenon: New Talent Exhibitions Prevail in Chicago," New Art Examiner
(Chicago), December.


2020 Yates, Sam. Unsustainable: A Planet in Crisis, 36-page exhibition catalogue. Knoxville, TN: Ewing Gallery of Art
+ Architecture, University of Tennessee, January. Catalogue.

2019-20 Costlow, Jane, Kristina Durocher, Bethany Engstrom, Joseph Hall, Laurie Hogin. Dan Mills: Human Topographies,
Exhibition guide. Rockland, ME: Center for Maine Contemporary Art, June; Indianapolis: Herron Galleries,
Herron School of Art + Design; NH: Museum of Art, University of New Hampshire, January. 

2017 Mills, Dan. “Thinking Eye: Mapping Current Wars and Conflicts”, cover/feature artist. Journal of Landscape Architecture
(Europe), Issue 3-17.

2017 Mills, Dan. “Current Wars and Conflicts”. Maps and Mapping, Interalia Magazine (England),  Issue 33, May. 

2016 Harmon, Katharine. You Are Here NYC: Mapping the Soul of the City. Princeton Architectural Press (New York). Book.

2016 Maksym, Becca. “The Funny Thing About Orthodoxy,” Utah Museum of Contemporary Art (Salt lake City).
Ideologue exhibition brochure.

2015      Gladstone, Fiona, Ed. “Map Paintings”, cover/feature artist. You Are Here: The Journal of Creative Geography.
School of Geography, University of Arizona. Issue XVIII: Translation.

2014 Jacobs, Karen. "Portfolio: Map Artists”. English Language Notes, English Department, University of Colorado at Boulder.
52.1 . Special Issue: “Imaginary Cartographies”

2014 Hertz, Betti-Sue, and Ceci Moss, editors. Dissident Futures. Yerba Buena Center for the Arts (San Francisco).
Exhibition catalogue.

2013 Hertz, Betti-Sue. “Dissident Futures”. Yerba Buena Center for the Arts (San Francisco). Exhibition brochure.

2013 Hatley, James. “This Land”. Salisbury University Art Galleries, Salisbury University (Maryland). Exhibition catalogue.

2012       Heartney, Eleanor. "Will to Power". Dan Mills: Quest & US Future States and related material Chicago:
Zolla/Lieberman Gallery and Chicago Cultural Center. Exhibition catalogue.

2012 Various. “Remix: Selections from the International Collage Center”. International Collage Center (Pennsylvania).
Exhibition catalogue.

2009 Heartney, Eleanor, and introduction by Jiang Lu. “Dan Mills: Meditations on Empire”. Tianjin, China:
Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts. Catalogue.

2009 Bui, Phong. Dan Mills, US Future States Atlas, Perceval Press (Santa Monica). Book

2009 Harmon, Katharine. The Map as Art: Contemporary Artists Explore Cartography. Princeton Architectural Press
(New York). Book.

2008 Heartney, Eleanor, and Larry Litt. “Party Headquarters, Voting is Just the Beginning”. Pratt Manhattan Gallery,
Pratt Institute (New York). Exhibition catalogue

2007 Gilbert, Courtney. “Lines in the Earth: Maps, Power and the Imagination”. Sun Valley Center for the Arts
(Idaho). Exhibition brochure.

2007 Yu-Wen Chen. Who Have Played Tricks on Maps, Acorn Publishing (Taiwan), pp. 148-154. Book.

2004 Ai Weiwei, and Xiaoze Xie. “Spiritual Orientation and Possibility of Survival,” and “‘Misleading Trails’ in Multiple
Perspectives.” Misleading Trails exhibition. China Art Archives and Warehouse (Beijing). Exhibition catalogue.

2002 Abell, Jeff. “Please Cross Out the Correct Response.” Detector exhibition. NIU Art Museum Gallery in Chicago,
Northern Illinois University. Exhibition brochure.

2000 Pascale, Mark. “Exquisite Corpse”. Printworks Gallery (Chicago). Exhibition catalogue.

1996 Meyer, Jerry. “NIU Collected”. NIU Art Museum Gallery in Chicago, Northern Illinois University. Exhibition catalogue.

1994 Knight, Gregory K. “Artists' Maps and Devices.” Art on the Map exhibition catalogue, Chicago Cultural Center.

1990 Bulka, Michael. “Altered States”. Hyde Park Art Center (Chicago). Exhibition catalogue.

1987 Yanson, Julie. “Proud Objects.” The Object Transformed: David Kargl, Dan Mills, Elizabeth Newman exhibition. Minneapolis:
MCAD Gallery, Minneapolis College of Art and Design.


2021 Speaker, Anchorage Museum, AK

2021 Lecturer, Osher Map Library, University of Southern Maine, Portland, ME 

2020 Visiting Artist/Critic, Herron Gallery, Herron School of Art + Design, Indianapolis, IN

2020 Lecturer/Juror, Ewing Gallery of Art + Architecture, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN

2020 Lecturer/Visiting Critic, Museum of Art, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH

2019 Gallery Talk, Center for Maine Contemporary Art, Rockland, ME

2018 Lecturer, The David C. Driskell Center for the Study of the Visual Arts and Culture of African Americans
and the African Diaspora, University of Maryland, College

2017 Moderator, The George Washington University, Washington, DC
Academe, Wisal - A Symposium on Cross-Cultural Collaboration 

2017 Panelist, Osher Map Library, University of Southern Maine, Portland, ME 

2016 Panelist, MPBN, (Maine NPR)

2016 Panelist, Osher Map Library, University of Southern Maine, Portland, ME

2015 Visiting Critic/Lecturer, Utah Museum of Contemporary Art, Salt Lake City, UT

2015 Visiting Artist/Gallery Talk, Montserrat College of Art, Beverly, MA

2014 Panelist, University of New England, Portland, ME. 

2013 Visiting Critic, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, Department of Art & Art History

2013 Panelist, Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, San Francisco, CA

2013 Panelist/Portfolio Reviewer, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY

2012 Gallery Talk, Chicago Cultural Center, Chicago, IL

2011 Visiting Artist/Lecturer, University of Southern Maine, Gorham, ME

2010 Gallery Talk, Union College, Schenectady, NY

2010 Lecturer, book signing, Lafayette College, Easton, PA

2010 Lecturer, Kutztown University of Pennsylvania

2009 Visiting Artist/Guest Critic, Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts, Tianjin, China

2009 Panelist and book signing, Santa Monica Studios, Santa Monica, CA

2008 Gallery Talk, Ganser Gallery, Millersville University, Millersville, PA

2007 Lecturer, Lynchburg College, Lynchburg, VA

2006 Lecturer, Schick Art Gallery, Skidmore College, Saratoga Springs, NY

2006 Gallery Talk, Foreman Gallery, Hartwick College, Oneonta, NY

2005     Lecturer, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN

2005 Lecturer, Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC

2002 Lecturer, Pennsylvania School of Art & Design, Lancaster, PA

2001 Lecturer, William Paterson University, Wayne, NJ

2000 Visiting Artist/Lecturer, State University of New York, Brockport, NY

1992-94 Lecturer, Art Seminar, Harper College, Palatine, IL

1992 Panelist, The School of the Art Institute of Chicago, IL.

1989 Lecturer, Sybil Larney Gallery, Chicago, IL

1987 Gallery Talk, Minneapolis College of Art & Design, Minneapolis, MN

1987 Lecturer, N.A.M.E. Gallery, Chicago, IL

1987 Guest Critic, University of Illinois at Chicago, IL

1987 Guest Critic, The School of The Art Institute of Chicago, IL

1986 Lecturer, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN


BMO Financial Group, Chicago, IL

Erie Art Museum, Erie, PA

Mount Holyoke College Art Museum, South Hadley, MA

University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IL

John D. & Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, Chicago, IL

JPMorgan Chase & Co., New York, NY

Osher Map Library, University of Southern Maine, Portland, ME

The ‘Quin House, Boston, MA

University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN

Union College, Schenectady, NY

Museum of Art, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH

Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL

Northwestern University, Evanston, IL

Special Collections (US Future States Atlas + small unique artwork) 
The British Library, London, England; University of California, Berkeley, CA; University of California, Los Angeles, CA; Colorado College, Colorado Springs, CO; Harvard University, Cambridge, MA; Library of Congress, Washington, DC;  University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN; Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, PA; Wesleyan University, Middletown, CT.